I am so excited to announce that Educents.com is having a HUGE back-to-school blowout sale and I am going to be featured in one of the curriculum bundles! From July 30 - August 2 (Wednesday - Saturday), they are bringing back all of their favorite and most popular bundles for INSTANT download at up to 77% OFF! There is something for everyone and it is their BIGGEST sale of the year!
Take a peak into what is on sale! Tell your friends, because there is something for everyone who teaches children in PreK-8th grade!
I am teaming back up with some awesome friends in grades 2-3 with some of our favorite products.
I am contributing my Take Home Math Kits!!
You can click on here or any of the images in this post to see all of the units that are included. :)

I've gone back to school, this is week three. Last Friday, my good friend, Jen Sykes, brought me lunch and played photographer while my kiddos were working on drawing and labeling ant tunnels.
I've decided to share a few candid shots of my classroom in hopes that those of you who, like me, did not inherit the "decorator" gene will feel more comfortable in blogland and, maybe, in in the world in general. My classroom is a real place, where we seriously "take chances, make mistakes, and get messy." (Thanks, Ms. Frizzle). Take a peek, and enjoy my commentary.
My favorite part about this picture are my "curtains." They are made of yellow construction paper. They are new because the construction paper used to be purple. But, as it was 5 years old, it was quite faded. I would just take them down altogether, but the students at table 4 are always BLINDED by the light. My students seriously enjoy the yellow "glow" they create in the morning.
AND, As if being a second grader isn't already confusing enough, I have not one but TWO teacher desks. When I tell my students to put something "on my desk" pandomonium ensues.
. . . Also, the table labeled my "Back" table is actually now a "Side" table, I moved it this year but haven't renamed it.
I have two favorites here, one is my "Daily Schedule" which, at this time, consists of two post-it notes. The other is the box with the broken pencil sharpener. Until Jen took these photos I didn't even realize that it was still on my desk, 4 months later.
So there you are, my crazy classroom in all its glory. And, as you are getting into the back to school cuteness frenzy, try not to be so hard on yourself. It's not what is hanging on your walls that matters, it is all in the planning and delivery. :)
P.S. If you were kid counting in the first photo, I wasn't blessed with a class of 12, there are 24 students in all as 3 tables are not pictured. :)