So, last night was Meet the Teacher for my track at my school. For those of you who are new here, I teach in a year round school. This means that I am on for about 9 weeks and off for about 3 weeks (sometimes more, sometimes less). So my current kiddos (whom I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE) will leave me on Friday, and my brand spankin' new kids will come in on July 9th. I think that this is insane, I mean I haven't even sent off my current little cheese crackers and my new little firecrackers are already chomping at the bit to get in my room.
I would love to go into a great deal of detail about my meet the teacher night, but I did make the choice to slap my name all over this blog. Any details that I would be allowed to share with you would be bland, very bland. Lets just say that next year is going to be I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G, and I may need to start an anonymous blog . . . . And, I think that some of these parents if they had it all to do again wouldn't have said some of the things that they said . . . or maybe they would . . .
I forgot to take pictures of everything, but trust me this classroom has NEVER been so clean or so inviting. I even played my Caribbean steel drum music and bought myself flowers to set out.
The worst part about last night was that 3 of my current kiddos came into my room crying and one of them needed a pep talk before she could get up enough courage to meet her new teacher. Can I just say that the love I have for my little lovey dovey's is mutual, they need me as much as I need them. I guess I need to work on cutting the cord sooner next year so they are ready to sustain life on their own before they go to third grade . . . :(
This week we have had a theme for each day:
Monday: No SCHOOL!!! YEAH!!
Tuesday: Snow Day in May (Thanks Rachel from A-B Seymour for the idea!)
Wednesday: Crazy Game Day (Thanks Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits for sharing!!)
Thursday: Snuggle Up and Read Day
Friday: School Memories Day
So things haven't been a total loss here, I mean I at least have had a PLAN for how the last week should go. But I am DONE. So DONE, although I love these children and would love to take most of them home with me for track out to clean my house. But, the paperwork is slowly stealing my soul. Feel me?