Monday, April 30, 2012

The Natives are Restless & Probability Freebie

Native Ramblings: 

If you don't follow Reagan's blog, Tunstall's Tidbits, well you should. It is one of my faves. Truly. She totally put into words exactly how I am feeling about my kiddos at the moment. 

I have been witnessing over the past couple months how some of you folks COUNT DOWN to the last day of school. Some of you make paper chains and some of you just write it right up on your boards!!! Right where the children can SEE!

You are BRAVE people, very brave. . . . I can't imagine actually talking to my students about the END of the school year.

There would be TOTAL pandemonium. . . .
students spontaneously levitating. 
All of the carpet would turn into kool-aid, 
the floor would become one huge kool-aid slip and slide, 
all of the math manipulative would vaporize 
and the walls would sink into the ground, 
the children would use dictionaries to slide all the way to the woods,
at the edge of the woods they would grow tusk and curly tails . . .

Okay, perhaps these are slight exaggerations, but it is a topic that I try to avoid. No need getting them all hyped up when they can very well do it on their own. 

Whenever they ask me how many days of school we have left I direct them to:
*their unfinished word folder
*the tissue on little monster's desk
*the bandaid on the floor belonging to little mr. igethurteverydayandrequire3bandaids
*an interesting piece of lint from the floor 

I also have a pretty excitable group. Last week I temporarily changed the spot where I read aloud Humphrey and two kids were giggling from the excitement all throughout the chapter . . .. I'm not kidding, literally they were giggling . .. . 

in a 
place on 
the floor!

So while I AM counting down, I will be doing it in secret. **whisper** 24 days **


And just for giggles. . . here are some shots of us completing our probability exit tickets. I use exit tickets at the end of most math lessons so that I can gauge where students are in their learning process.

I had each kiddo make a spinner and color it any way they so desired. I then asked them a couple of questions about their spinner. You can download this sheet for FREE. I included a sheet with a blank spinner so they can make their own AND a sheet with a spinner that is already labeled for those of you who are short on time! :)

This is going to be something that I include in a probability set somewhere down the road.  
For now, I must save my energy up for the creatures that lurk under the florescents require many re-directions from their master . . .


  1. I thought I was the only one who used the "natives are restless" comment, its fun to see others do also. My natives are restless and it doesn't help that we had snow on Friday, rain on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and today 35 mph winds. The native's teacher needs a break.

    Have a terrific Tuesday.

  2. Oh. My. Word. Are you sure you are not talking about my class? {{whisper voice}} *22 days*
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  3. Thanks for sharing your wonderful freebie! I hear you about the whisper voice...AGREED!


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