30 Before 30

I decided that I am SUCH a procrastinator that I need to start this list 4 years and 3 months in advance of me turning 30! I have set 30 very realistic goals for myself and decided to post them here because those who know me well know that I sure as heck can't keep up with a piece of paper . . .

1. Get Married (9/21/2013)
2. Pay off Student Loans
3. Pay off Car Loan
4. Drive across the United States
5. Be a More Conscious Listener
6. Have My Very Own Place (2/20/2013)

7. Adopt a Dog (January 2015)
8. Visit Washington, D.C.
9. Grow something in a my own garden, cook, and eat it. (6/10/13)
10. Learn to use the Weed Eater
11. Be National Board Certified 
12. Join a Tennis League
13. Ride a Train
14. Stargaze at Cape Hatteras
15. Visit a Day Spa
16. Take a Math Class for Fun
17. Use the Craft Junk I Have . . . Buy NO More! (This excludes adhesives)
18. Read 100 Books (DONE, 12/2/2012)
19. Visit the Zoo (6/26/2012)
20. Find the Perfect Lemon Pound Cake recipe (12/25/2012)
21. Go Para-sailing
22. See Wicked (5/19/2012)
23. Reach my Goal Weight
24. Run a 10 minute mile
25. Go to a Professional Tennis Match (with Steph, 2014)
26. Run/Walk a Marathon (04/06/13)
27. Go Camping in a Tent (camper will do, 2014)
28. Learn to Paint
29. Go on a Roller Coaster and Keep Eyes Open!
30. Learn to Cook 10 New Recipes (Barbeque Chicken, Chicken Pastry, Rice, French Toast)


  1. Awesome list!
    :) Dana

  2. What a cute idea! Maybe I should start working on my 40 before 40 list! :) I just found your blog and love it! I would love for you to drop by my blog when you have a chance.

    Teaching Maddeness
    Come join my 100 Follower Giveaway!

  3. Cute list, Casey! You've got a lot of things on there that I should include in my life... iron, learn to cook 10 new recipes (actually... learn how to cook ANY 10 recipes), reach my goal weight, visit a day spa, get married, and have my very own place to name a few! Love that you did this :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees


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